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#1 Professional Human
The thorny tongue with a horrible gentleness pushed the piece of chocolate into Phebe’s mouth. It forced the little sweet lump a little too deep for comfort before withdrawing. Se-Aleen and, The-One-Who-Would-Look-Upon-Fear-Without-Faltering did their best to imitate clapping and, H, Phebe's boss, pulled its tongue back, scraping Phebe’s teeth on the way out. They beamed at her expectantly, caught up in the fun. Above their heads was a banner written in both AtL and what Phebe thought was meant to be English, “CongratulatioNs on oNe! year as top ProfessioNal humaN”. Phebe wanted to cry. Instead, she ate the chocolate.
This story is unavailable as it is being entered in a writing contest. Contact me for more details.
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